Article from Milpitas Beat:
Since early spring, the City of Milpitas has been partnering with the Milpitas Rotary Club and the Milpitas Executive Lions Club to provide free face coverings to the community.
These groups’ mission to provide face coverings to residents was initiated just before the City Council passed an ordinance requiring that face masks be worn in places of business across Milpitas. That ordinance went into effect on April 24.
Meanwhile, others in the community, including residents from service organizations like the Kiwanis Club in Milpitas, have also been stepping up to help donate, make, and distribute masks.
“The Rotary Club, Lions Club, and City of Milpitas all donated money to buy the materials,” said Kelly Yip-Chuan, who is part of the Milpitas Rotary Club. “Some people in the community donated materials to use as well.”
Yip-Chuan, who is also a trustee on the Milpitas Unified School District’s (MUSD) Board of Education, has been personally helping to distribute the masks. Her focus has been on supplying face coverings to low-income families and refugees. She has also been working with principals from Title l schools in Milpitas to make sure families who need face coverings are able to get access to them.
Free masks have also been given to the Parks & Recreation Summer Camp for children ages 6-12 years old.
MariCris Benitez, from the Milpitas Executive Lions Club, mentioned that although masks are available to all residents, it’s particularly important for households with seniors and individuals with underlying medical conditions to receive them.
“Aside from the ongoing Mask Program, the Milpitas Executive Lions Club has been providing our services for the community. The flags lined up along Calaveras Boulevard put up on July 1st to gear up for July 4th were donated by the club. Last July 23, we organized the successful Blood Drive with the City of Milpitas,” said Benitez, who, along with her fellow Lions Club members, remains committed to serving the community in any way she can.
So far, over 2,000 masks have been made and delivered through this program.
Any resident who needs a mask, wishes to make a contribution, or wishes to volunteer to make masks can send an email to this address: